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Become a Certified
Mental Game Coach

Receive the complete toolkit to teach golfers how to control their minds. Upon completion, receive 20 PGA Education Credits.


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Receive 20 PGA Education Credits

PGA Certified Professionals/Coaches Only

You want to unlock your students' full potential. But when tournaments begin, even fundamentally sound golfers crumble under pressure, anxiety, and lapses in focus.The MPGA Certification Program equips you to address the psychological and emotional side of performance. You’ll be fully prepared to teach mental skills to build resilience and focus on the course.

Upgrade Your Coaching Toolkit Today

Transform your coaching with MPGA's Level 1 Certification, designed for busy coaches. Quickly grasp the essentials of golf's mental game, enriching your coaching with practical, mental coaching frameworks.

Essential Mental Skills

Build a solid base in mental training, using proven psychological principles, to enhance your coaching approach.

Effective Coaching Blueprint

Learn a clear framework for mental coaching and how to build trust in your students to have confidence in this life-changing process.

Ready-to-Use Training Modules

Study 9 practical mental training modules and add value to your students' learning experience

Business Growth Strategies

Add a new skill to your toolkit and improve your students' results. This means more golfers will want to work with you.

Useful Tools and Resources

Access various easy-to-use tools and worksheets to streamline and improve your mindset coaching methods.

Earn PGA Credits

Complete the certification and receive 20 PGA Education Credits, boosting your professional credentials.

MPGA Certification


12 Month Access to MPGA Certification Platform


  • Unlimited access to 69+ training videos for 1 year
  • Private podcast 
  • Access 100+ pages of in-depth materials
  • Supportive network in our private community 
  • Guidance on passing the final exam to earn your MPGA coaching badge
  • Earn 20 PGA Education Credits upon completion
  • And more!
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